
ENTRADA sends metrics about internal processes and the processed DNS data to Graphite, for visualisation of these metrics we recommend Grafana

The ENTRADA process generates lots of metrics during the processing of DNS and ICMP data. Metrics have the form of simple key/value pairs. The key is a unique metric name and the value is a counter value. The metrics can only be sent to a Graphite monitoring server. See Graphite for more information.

By default metric values are aggregated in 10 second buckets by ENTRADA, before they are sent to Graphite.

Metrics use a naming schema which starts with a configurable prefix and is followed with the name server name. If the name server name contains any dots then these are replaced by underscores, otherwise Graphite assumes a tree structure when there is none. The following example show the dns.request metric with the prefix “entrada” and the name sever name “”.


The dynamic prefix is configured using the Docker Composer variables, the name server name is determined by the pcap filename format.


DNS metrics

DNS metrics use the timestamp of the packet inside the pcap file, and not the timestamp of the time the packet was processed by ENTRADA.

Metric name Description
dns.query.ns.* # of received queries
dns.response.ns* # of received responses
dns.request.qtype.ns* count per qtype
dns.request.rcode.ns* count per rcode
dns.request.opcode.ns* count per opcode

Network metrics

DNS metrics use the timestamp of the packet inside the pcap file, and not the timestamp of the time the packet was processed by ENTRADA.

Metric name Description
tcp.ns.* # request via TCP
udp.ns.* # request via UDP
ip.4.ns.* # request via IPv4
ip.6.ns.* # request via IPv6* count per country

RTT metrics

DNS metrics use the timestamp of the packet inside the pcap file, and not the timestamp of the time the packet was processed by ENTRADA.

Metric name Description
tcp.rtt.handshake.median.n.s* # request via TCP
tcp.rtt.handshake.samples.ns.* # request via UDP
tcp.rtt.packet.median.ns.* # request via IPv4
tcp.rtt.packet.samples.ns.* # request via IPv6

Processor metrics

Processor metrics use the timestamp of the time the data was processed by ENTRADA.

Metric name Description
processor.execution.time Pcap processing time per name server


Installation instructions for Graphite can be found here

The storage configuration of the Graphite Carbon database must be modified for the ENTRADA metrics, add to following lines to /etc/carbon/storage-schemas.conf:

pattern = entrada.*
retentions = 10s:5d,1m:14d,10m:5y
aggregationMethod = sum

pattern = test.entrada.*
retentions = 10s:5d,1m:14d,10m:5y
aggregationMethod = sum


Installation instructions for Graphite can be found here

Additional metrics

ENTRADA generates a set of metrics, additional metrics can be sent to Graphite by querying the database and sending the results to the Graphite server.

This example is provided by


set -e
query4days="select count(distinct country) as countries from entrada.dns where domainname=\"\" and unixtime BETWEEN unix_timestamp(now()-interval 4 days) and unix_timestamp(now()-interval 3 days);"
query3days="select count(distinct country) as countries from entrada.dns where domainname=\"\" and unixtime BETWEEN unix_timestamp(now()-interval 3 days) and unix_timestamp(now()-interval 2 days);"
query2days="select count(distinct country) as countries from entrada.dns where domainname=\"\" and unixtime BETWEEN unix_timestamp(now()-interval 2 days) and unix_timestamp(now()-interval 1 days);"
query1day="select count(distinct country) as countries from entrada.dns where domainname=\"\" and unixtime BETWEEN unix_timestamp(now()-interval 1 days) and unix_timestamp(now());"

impala-shell -B -q "$query4days" -o output.txt
day4=$(cat output.txt)

impala-shell -B -q "$query3days" -o output.txt
day3=$(cat output.txt)

impala-shell -B -q "$query2days" -o output.txt
day2=$(cat output.txt)

impala-shell -B -q "$query1day" -o output.txt
day1=$(cat output.txt)

# this is the current timestamp, if the timestamp of the packet is needed,
# change the sql-query above to create a correct graphite line format using SQL
# see:

timestamp=$(date +%s)

echo "entrada.${NAMESERVER}.countries.4daysAgo "${day4} ${timestamp} | nc ${GRAPHITE_SERVER} 2003
echo "entrada.${NAMESERVER}.countries.3daysAgo "${day3} ${timestamp} | nc ${GRAPHITE_SERVER} 2003
echo "entrada.${NAMESERVER}.countries.2daysAgo "${day2} ${timestamp} | nc ${GRAPHITE_SERVER} 2003
echo "entrada.${NAMESERVER}.countries.1dayAgo "${day1} ${timestamp} | nc ${GRAPHITE_SERVER} 2003

exit 0